Klinik für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, Abt. Orthopädie

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
Function-orientated physical exercises and uses 165 8-561.1
Treatment with electrical currents, usually directly through the skin 154 8-650
Comprehensive pain control for acute pain 67 8-919
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation without measurement of the pressure in the pulmonary artery and in the right atrium of the heart 56 8-930
Pain control by injecting an anaesthetic around a nerve root or nerve close to the spine 51 8-914.02
Surgical implantation of an artificial hip joint 30 5-820.00
Surgical implantation of artificial knee joint 29 5-822.g1
Treatment by injecting a medicine into an organ or tissue, or removal of excess fluid (effusion) e.g. from the joints 29 8-020.5
29 9-984.7
Surgical implantation of artificial knee joint 24 5-822.81
18 9-984.8
Treatment of pain by the introduction of a liquid anaesthetic around other nerves outside the brain and spinal cord 17 8-915
15 9-984.6
Treatment by injecting a medicine into an organ or tissue, or removal of excess fluid (effusion) e.g. from the joints 14 8-020.4
Operation on the articular cartilage or on the cartilage discs (menisci) by endoscopy (arthroscopy) 5 5-812.5
Operation on the articular cartilage or on the cartilage discs (menisci) by endoscopy (arthroscopy) 4 5-812.eh
4 9-984.b
Other examination by taking a sample of fluid or tissue with a needle not specified 1-859.x
Surgical transplantation or transposition of bone tissue not specified 5-784.0h
Removal of the devices used to fix bone fragments, e.g. in fractures not specified 5-787.0k
Removal of the devices used to fix bone fragments, e.g. in fractures not specified 5-787.1k
Surgical procedure on a joint by endoscopy not specified 5-810.1h
Surgical procedure on a joint by endoscopy not specified 5-810.9h
Surgical procedure on a joint by endoscopy not specified 5-810.xh
Operation on the synovium by endoscopy (arthroscopy) not specified 5-811.3h
Operation on the articular cartilage or on the cartilage discs (menisci) by endoscopy (arthroscopy) not specified 5-812.kh
Surgical implantation of an artificial hip joint not specified 5-820.02
Surgical implantation of artificial knee joint not specified 5-822.01
Other operations to secure or restore the function of a joint not specified 5-829.e
Treatment by the targeted insertion of a needle into a joint with subsequent administration or removal of substances, e.g. fluid not specified 8-158.h
Other treatment by the targeted insertion of a needle with subsequent administration or removal of substances, e.g. fluid not specified 8-159.x
Function-orientated physical exercises and uses not specified 8-561.2
Transfusion of blood, red blood cells or platelets from a donor to a recipient not specified 8-800.c0
Pain control by injecting an anaesthetic around a nerve root or nerve close to the spine not specified 8-914.00
Pain control by injecting an anaesthetic around a nerve root or nerve close to the spine not specified 8-914.0x
Pain control by injecting an anaesthetic into a joint of the spine not specified 8-917.03
Pain control by injecting an anaesthetic into a joint of the spine not specified 8-917.0x