Hals- Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
Operation on the inferior nasal concha 46 5-215.02
Surgical removal or reconstruction of the nasal septum 26 5-214.6
Operation using lasers 25 5-985.2
Surgical removal or reconstruction of the nasal septum 20 5-214.5
Operation on the inferior nasal concha 20 5-215.3
Operation on the inferior nasal concha 19 5-215.1
Operation on several paranasal sinuses 12 5-224.63
Operation using aids for optical magnification, e.g. magnifying spectacles, operating microscope 12 5-984
Operation on the maxillary sinuses 4 5-221.1
Examination of the trachea and the bronchi by endoscopy not specified 1-620.00
Surgical closure of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) (type I) not specified 5-194.0
Surgical closure of the eardrum (tympanic membrane) or reconstructive operations on the ossicles (small bones) of the ear not specified 5-195.a0
Surgical implantation of a stirrup (stapedial) prosthesis not specified 5-197.2
Surgical removal or destruction of diseased tissue in the nose not specified 5-212.2
Surgical removal or reconstruction of the nasal septum not specified 5-214.0
Operation on the maxillary sinuses not specified 5-221.6
Operation on the ethmoid bone or on the sphenoid sinus not specified 5-222.20
Operation on the ethmoid bone or on the sphenoid sinus not specified 5-222.21
Operation on the ethmoid bone or on the sphenoid sinus not specified 5-222.4
Operation on the frontal sinuses not specified 5-223.5
Operation on several paranasal sinuses not specified 5-224.3
Surgical removal of the palatine tonsils (without removal of the adenoids) - tonsillectomy without adenoidectomy not specified 5-281.0
Surgical removal of the tonsils and adenoids not specified 5-282.0
Surgical removal of individual lymph nodes or lymphatic vessels not specified 5-401.00
Extensive surgical removal of diseased tissue from the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-895.25
Revision operations not specified 5-983
Treatment of a nose bleed by packing with absorbent material (tamponade) not specified 8-500
Exchange or removal of the absorbent pack used to stop bleeding (tamponade) not specified 8-506