Hals-, Nasen-, Ohrenheilkunde (HNO)

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the outer ear VH01
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the middle ear and mastoid process Hörverbessernde Operationen, chronische Mittelohrentzündungen VH02
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the inner ear VH03
Surgical correction of malformation of the ear VH06
Diagnosis and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections Tonsillektomie, Adenotomie VH08
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the paranasal sinuses Nasennebenhöhlenchirurgie VH10
Reconstructive plastic surgery Funktionelle und ästhetische Nasenoperation VH13
Special consultation hour - ENT area Funktionelle und plastische Nasenoperation, Mittelohrchirurgie VH23