
Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Schmerz- und palliativmedizinscher Konsiliardienst VX00
Intermediate-Care VX00
Schmerztherapeutische Behandlung VX00
24 Stunden Notfallversorgung und Erste Hilfe VX00
Postoperative Intensivmedizinische Behandlung VX00
Anästhesiologische Behandlung VX00
Ambulante Voruntersuchungen und Nachsorgeuntersuchungen VX00
24 Stunden Notfallversorgung VX00
Behandlung von Patienten mit weit fortgeschrittenen Erkrankungen, begrenzter Lebenserwartung und schwerwiegenden, belastenden Symptomen VX00
Operative intensivmedizinische Behandlung VX00
Procedures to the pericardium VC10
Lung surgery VC11
Operations due to chest trauma VC13
Thoracoscopic procedures VC15
Tumour Surgery VC24
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries VC34
Minimally invasive endoscopic surgery VC56
Plastic-reconstructive procedures VC57
Special consultation hour - Surgery VC58
Mediastinoscopy VC59
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the trachea VH17
Interdisciplinary tumour after-care VH20
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs VI15
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pleura VI16
Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatological diseases VI17
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases VI18
Diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases VI19
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases in children and adolescents VK10
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the neuromuscular synapse and muscle region VN16
Native sonography VR02