Kinder- und Jugendmedizin

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Diagnosis and treatment of dermatitis and eczema VD17
Care of patients before and after transplantation VK02
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) vascular diseases VK03
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) paediatric kidney diseases VK04
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the endocrine glands (thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal gland, diabetes) VK05
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the gastrointestinal tract VK06
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas VK07
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs Schwerpunkte: Asthma Bronchiale, Mukoviszidose, Diagnostik bei chronischem Husten VK08
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) rheumatic diseases VK09
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases in children and adolescents VK10
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) haematological diseases in children and adolescents VK11
Neonatological/paediatric intensive care medicine VK12
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies VK13
Diagnosis and treatment of congenital and acquired immune deficiency diseases (including HIV and AIDS) VK14
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) metabolic diseases VK15
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) neurological diseases VK16
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) neuromuscular diseases VK17
Diagnosis and treatment of (congenital) neurometabolic/neurodegenerative diseases VK18
Diagnosis and treatment of other congenital malformations, congenital disorders or perinatally acquired diseases VK20
Diagnosis and treatment of chromosomal anomalies VK21
Diagnosis and treatment of special clinical pictures of premature and mature neonates VK22
Care of multiples VK23
Neonate screening VK25
Diagnosis and treatment of developmental disorders in infancy, toddlers and school age VK26
Diagnosis and treatment of psychosomatic disorders of the child VK27
Paediatric psychology VK28
Special consultation hour - Paediatrics Allergologie, Asthma und Lungenerkrankungen, Diabetologie, Erkrankungen der Hormondrüsen, Hämatologie (Bluterkrankungen), Immunologie (Immunmangelkrankheiten) und Infektiologie, Mukoviszidose, Neuropädiatrie, Onkologie, Rheumatologie VK29
Immunology VK30
Cystic fibrosis centre VK33
Neuropaediatrics VK34
Social-Paediatric Centre VK35
Diagnosis and treatment of growth disorders VK37
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases VN01
Diagnosis and treatment of other neurovascular diseases VN02
Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory CNS diseases VN03
Diagnosis and treatment of neuroimmunological diseases VN04
Diagnosis and treatment of seizure disorders VN05
Diagnosis and treatment of malignant diseases of the brain VN06
Diagnosis and treatment of benign tumours of the brain VN07
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the meninges VN08
Diagnosis and treatment of systematrophies that mainly affect the central nervous system VN10
Diagnosis and treatment of extrapyramidal diseases and movement disorders VN11
Diagnosis and treatment of degenerative diseases of the nervous system VN12
Diagnosis and treatment of demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system VN13
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nerves, nerve roots and nerve plexus VN14
Diagnosis and treatment of polyneuropathies and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system VN15
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases in the neuromuscular synapse and muscle region keine Diagnostik von Elektromyographie VN16
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebral palsy and other paralysis syndromes VN17
Neurological emergency and intensive care medicine VN18
Special consultation hour - Neurology Kinderärztliche und kinderneurologische Untersuchung, physiotherapeutische, psychologische und logopädische Diagnostik, Beratung und Therapie, heilpädagogische Diagnostik, Neuroorthopädische Sprechstunde, Epilepsie-, Hilfsmittel- u. Botulinumtoxin-Sprechstunde, Frühgeborenennachsorge VN20
Sleep medicine VN22
Pain therapy VN23
Conventional radiographs VR01
Native sonography VR02
Duplex sonography VR04
Fluoroscopy as a standalone service VR08
Projection radiography using a contrast agent procedure VR09
Computed tomography (CT), native VR10
Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents VR11
Computer tomography (CT), special procedures VR12
Probe measurements and incorporation measurements VR21
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), native VR22
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) with contrast agents VR23
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), special procedures VR24
Bone density measurement (all methods) VR25
Computer-aided image data analysis with 3D evaluation VR26
Interventional radiology VR41
Children’s radiology VR42
Neuroradiology VR43