
Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Regelmäßige Fortbildungen für Hausärzte VX00
Pacemaker procedures Notfalleingriff, auch externe Schirttmacheranlage VC05
Defibrillator procedures Notfalleingriff VC06
Conservative treatment of arterial vascular diseases VC18
Diagnosis and treatment of venous diseases and secondary diseases VC19
Gastrointestinal surgery VC22
Liver, bile and pancreatic surgery VC23
Septic bone surgery VC30
Diagnosis and treatment of bone inflammation VC31
Diagnosis and treatment of head injuries VC32
Diagnosis and treatment of thoracic injuries VC34
Diagnosis and treatment of injuries to the lumbosacral region, the lumbar spine and the pelvis VC35
Diagnosis and treatment of hip and thigh injuries VC39
Diagnosis and treatment of knee and lower leg injuries VC40
Diagnosis and treatment of other injuries VC42
Port implantation VC62
Amputation surgery VC63
Surgical intensive care medicine VC67
Emergency medicine chirurgische Notfälle mit Ausnahme schwere Schädel-Hirn-Verletzungen, schweres Thorax-Trauma, Polytrauma VC71
Diagnosis and treatment of ischemic heart diseases Herzkatheterinterventionen in Kooperation mit dem UKGM Marburg VI01
Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary heart disease and pulmonary circulation diseases invasive und nichtinvasive Beatmungstherapie vorhanden VI02
Diagnosis and treatment of other forms of heart disease VI03
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the arteries, arterioles and capillaries VI04
Diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases VI06
Diagnosis and treatment of hypertension (high pressure sickness) VI07
Diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases einschließlich akutes Nierenversagen, Dialysebehandlung in Kooperation mit der PHV Patientenheimversorgung-Dialyse VI08
Diagnosis and treatment of haematological diseases VI09
Diagnosis and treatment of endocrine nutritional and metabolic diseases VI10
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterology) VI11
Diagnosis and treatment of peritoneal diseases VI13
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the liver, bile and pancreas VI14
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs invasive und nichtinvasive Beatmungstherapie vorhanden VI15
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pleura VI16
Diagnosis and treatment of rheumatological diseases VI17
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases VI18
Diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases VI19
Intensive care medicine interdisziplinär mit Schwerpunkt Kardiologieals Notfallstandort im Hessischen KH-Bedarfsplan ausgewiesen VI20
Diagnosis and treatment of allergies VI22
Diagnosis and treatment of geriatric diseases VI24
Treatment of blood poisoning / sepsis VI29
Diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases VI30
Diagnosis and treatment of cardiac arrhythmia inkl. Kardioversion und passageren Schrittmachern VI31
Diagnosis and treatment of coagulation disorders VI33
Endoscopy VI35
Pain therapy VI40
Transfusion medicine VI42
Chronic inflammatory intestinal diseases VI43
Diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioural disorders caused by psychotropic substances akute Intoxikation VP01
Conventional radiographs VR01
Native sonography VR02
One-dimensional Doppler sonography VR03
Duplex sonography VR04
Sonography with contrast agents VR05
Endosonography VR06
Computed tomography (CT), native VR10
Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents VR11
Arteriography VR15
Phlebography VR16
Teleradiology VR44
Diagnosis and treatment of renal insufficiency VU02