Innere Medizin: Kardiologie/ Gastroenterologie/ Stoffwechselerkrankungen/ Onkologie/ Hämatologie/Palliativmedizin und Schmerztherapie/ Nephrologie/ Pulmologie/ Angiologie

Medical expertise

Internal medicine and nephrology (AQ29)
Pediatric and adolescent medicine, SP Children's cardiology (AQ34)
Internal Medicine (AQ23)

Zusatzausbildungen für spezielle Rhythmologie/Implantate, interventionelle Kardiologie und Schwerpunkt Herzinsuffizienz

Internal medicine and cardiology (AQ28)
Internal medicine and hematology and oncology (AQ27)
Internal medicine and gastroenterology (AQ26)
Internal medicine and endocrinology and diabetology (AQ25)
Anesthesiology (AQ01)
Urology (AQ60)
Emergency medicine (ZF28)
Palliative care (ZF30)
Intensive care medicine (ZF15)
Special pain therapy (ZF42)
Diabetology (ZF07)