Dealing with risks in patient care

Quality management

Vivien Voigt


Berliner Straße 4
14806 Bad Belzig

Phone: 033748 -82216-
Mail: ed.nekinilk-retinnahoj.brt@thcirebsteatilauq

Mirko Rücker

komm. Krankenhausdirektor, Handelsbevollmächtigter, Kaufmännische Leitung

Berliner Straße 4
14806 Bad Belzig

Phone: 033748 -82216-
Mail: ed.nekinilk-retinnahoj.brt@thcirebsteatilauq

Conference frequency:

Risk management

Vivien Voigt


Phone: 033748 -82216-
Mail: ed.nekinilk-retinnahoj.brt@thcirebsteatilauq

Mirko Rücker

komm. Krankenhausdirektor, Handelsbevollmächtigter, Kaufmännische Leitung

Phone: 033748 -82216-
Mail: ed.nekinilk-retinnahoj.brt@thcirebsteatilauq

Verwaltung, Ärztlicher Dienst, Pflegedienst, Mitarbeitervertretung, Qualitätsmanagement

Conference frequency: bei Bedarf

Risk management instruments and measures

Fault reporting systems

Conference committee

Conference frequency: quartalsweise


Einarbeitungskonzepte, Patienten-Sicherheits-Checklisten/Standards, Fallkonferenzen u. v. m.

No. Explanation

Documentation and procedural instructions for handling the error reporting system are available

As of: 01.08.2018

Conference committee

Conference frequency: bei Bedarf

No. Explanation

CIRS AINS (Professional Association of German Anaesthetists and German Society for Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, German Medical Association, National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Doctors)


CIRS Berlin (Medical Association Berlin, German Medical Association, National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Doctors)