
Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
Interdisciplinary end-of-life care 34 8-982.1
Uniform basic assessment in terminal care 33 1-774
Interdisciplinary end-of-life care 21 8-982.0
11 9-984.8
8 9-984.7
8 9-984.b
Treatment by specific positioning of the patient in bed, e.g. positioning in a sling table or special bed 7 8-390.1
5 9-984.9
Comprehensive pain control for acute pain 4 8-919
Interdisciplinary end-of-life care 4 8-982.2
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the upper digestive tract, biliary tract or the pancreas by endoscopy not specified 1-440.a
Examination of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum by endoscopy not specified 1-632.0
Examination of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum by endoscopy not specified 1-632.1
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine and spinal cord with contrast medium not specified 3-823
Surgical insertion of a tube into the stomach through the abdominal wall for artificial feeding not specified 5-431.20
not specified 5-549.21
not specified 8-018.0
Injection or administration of medicines into the urinary bladder not specified 8-132.3
Insertion of a small tube (cannula) or catheter into another organ or tissue for the drainage of fluid not specified 8-148.0
Function-orientated physical exercises and uses not specified 8-561.1
Use of a face, nasal, or laryngeal mask for mechanical ventilation not specified 8-706
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation without measurement of the pressure in the pulmonary artery and in the right atrium of the heart not specified 8-930
Interdisciplinary end-of-life care not specified 8-982.3
not specified 8-98g.10
not specified 8-98g.11
Treatment of physically or functionally induced disorders of speech, language, the voice or swallowing not specified 9-320
not specified 9-984.6