Allgemeine Psychiatrie

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
1.811 9-649.40
Standard treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults 1.518 9-607
1.505 9-649.0
1.083 9-649.50
739 9-649.31
722 9-649.30
664 9-649.51
487 9-649.10
487 9-649.20
Computed tomography (CT) of the head without contrast medium 474 3-200
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with one characteristic 466 9-617
Measurement of the brain waves - EEG 423 1-207.0
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with two characteristics 412 9-618
339 9-649.52
237 9-649.53
233 9-649.32
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with three characteristics 209 9-619
206 9-984.7
197 9-649.11
172 9-649.41
163 9-984.8
115 9-649.33
108 9-649.54
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with four characteristics 103 9-61a
91 9-649.55
Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces 81 1-204.2
79 9-649.12
76 9-984.9
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head with contrast medium 62 3-820
60 9-984.6
52 9-649.56
51 9-984.b
Intensive treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioural disorders in adult patients with five or more characteristics 39 9-61b
33 9-649.57
31 9-649.34
Examination of nerve conduction - ENG 21 1-206
21 9-649.13
Computed tomography (CT) of the spine and the spinal cord without contrast medium 19 3-203
18 9-649.58
14 9-649.59
13 9-984.a
12 9-649.21
11 9-649.35
Measurement of the electrical activity of the muscles - EMG 10 1-205
9 9-649.5d
8 9-649.36
8 9-649.5b
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head without contrast medium 7 3-800
6 9-649.14
6 9-649.5a
Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen without contrast medium 5 3-207
Computed tomography (CT) of the chest without contrast medium 4 3-202
4 9-649.5m
Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid spaces not specified 1-204.0
Measurement of brain waves triggered by targeted stimuli (evoked potentials) not specified 1-208.0
Measurement of brain waves triggered by targeted stimuli (evoked potentials) not specified 1-208.x
Measurement of the electrical activity of the heart without a tube (catheter) inserted into the heart via an artery not specified 1-266.2
Computed tomography (CT) of the musculoskeletal system without contrast medium not specified 3-205
Computed tomography (CT) of the pelvis without contrast medium not specified 3-206
Other computed tomography (CT) without contrast medium not specified 3-20x
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine and spinal cord without contrast medium not specified 3-802
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the neck with contrast medium not specified 3-821
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spine and spinal cord with contrast medium not specified 3-823
Others therapeutic procedures to influence the immune system not specified 8-547.31
Complex psychosomatic-psychotherapeutic treatment for mental and psychosomatic disorders and behavioral disorders in adults not specified 9-634
not specified 9-649.15
not specified 9-649.16
not specified 9-649.17
not specified 9-649.37
not specified 9-649.39
not specified 9-649.3g
not specified 9-649.42
not specified 9-649.5c
not specified 9-649.5e
not specified 9-649.5n
not specified 9-649.5r