Special instrument-based equipment

Equipment Explanation 24 hr emergency availability
Angiography device/DSA Yes
Ventilator for ventilating pre-term neonates and neonates Yes
Computed Tomography (CT) Yes
Electroencephalography device (EEG) Yes
Electro-physiological measuring station with EMG, NLG, VEP, SEP, AEP Yes
Incubators Neonatology Yes
Capsule endoscope Yes
Lithotripter (ESWL) No information is required
Device for lung replacement therapy / support Geräte zur Beatmung von Patient:innen sind vorhanden. Yes
Magnetic resonance tomograph (MRT) Yes
Mammography device Das Mammographiegerät steht nach Terminvereinbarung zur Verfügung. No information is required
Device for kidney replacement surgery Es existiert eine Dialyseeinheit (in Kooperation mit einer nephrologischen Praxis) des Weiteren sind Dialysegeräte auf der Intensivstation vorhanden und im Bedarfsfall im Einsatz. Yes
Radio frequency ablation (RFA) and/or other thermal ablation techniques Yes
Scintigraphy scanner/ gamma probe Yes
Uroflow / bladder pressure measurement / urodynamic measuring station Yes
Left heart catheter laboratory Yes
Treatment station for mechanical thrombectomy for stroke Yes
3D laparoscopy system - Camera system for a three-dimensional representation of the organs during the operation Yes