Therapeutischer Bereich

Outpatient treatment options

Type of outpatient clinic: Outpatient clinic according to Article 124, para. 3 of the SGB V (dispensing physical therapy, podological therapy, voice, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy) (AM16)
Comment: Funktionelle Ergotherapie, Heil- und Hilfsmittelberatung, Schienenherstellung
Service offered: Other - Focus of care in other medical fields
Type of outpatient clinic: Outpatient clinic according to Article 124, para. 3 of the SGB V (dispensing physical therapy, podological therapy, voice, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy) (AM16)
Comment: Atemtherapie, Krankengymnastik (u. a. Bobath, Vojta, PNF, Bewegungsbad), Manuelle Therapie, Elektrotherapie, Manuelle Lymphdrainage, Massage, Unterwasserdruckstrahlmassage, Hydroelektrische Bäder, Moorpackungen, Wärme-/Kältetherapie
Service offered: Other - Focus of care in other medical fields