Dealing with risks in patient care

Quality management

Dr. med. Jochen Beideck


Hauptstr. 166
53489 Sinzig-Bad Bodendorf

Phone: 02642 -407-0
Mail: ed.kinilk-latrha@ofni

Ärztlicher Dienst, Pflege, Geschäftsführung

Conference frequency: wöchentlich

Risk management

Jochen Beideck


Hauptstr. 166
53489 Sinzig

Phone: 02642 -407-0
Fax: 02642-407-155
Mail: ed.kinilk-latrha@ofni

Ärztlicher Dienst, Pflege, Geschäftsführung

Conference frequency: wöchentlich

Risk management instruments and measures

No. Explanation

Regular further education and training measures

Fault reporting systems

Conference committee

Conference frequency: monatlich


Kürzere Wartezeiten im FunktionsbereichKurze Checkintervalle durch den technischen Dienst (Beleuchtung, Flächen)

No. Explanation

Documentation and procedural instructions for handling the error reporting system are available

As of: 01.02.2012


Training of employees in handling the error reporting system and in implementing the findings from the error reporting system

taken monatlich

Conference committee

Conference frequency: