Selected therapeutic personnel in psychiatry and psychosomatics

Here you will find information on the therapeutic staff of the entire hospital.

Special therapists (m/f)

Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 1,00 Ansprechpartnerin für alle Fachabteilungen des Hauses: Silke Stoff Telefon 02473/89-3456
Staff in direct employment 1,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 1,00
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 2,00 Die Problemwundversorgung erfolgt nach einrichtungseinheitlichen Wundleitlinien. Ansprechpartner: Udo Mey pflegerischer Leiter der Zentralambulanz/ICW-Wundmanager Telefon 02473/89-3454 Mona Jansen exam. Krankenschwester
Staff in direct employment 2,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 2,00
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 3,00
Staff in direct employment 3,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 3,00
Professional group Number Explanation
Number (total) 10,00
Staff in direct employment 10,00
Staff not in direct employment 0,00
Out-patient care staff 0,00
In-patient care staff 10,00