Klinik für Neurologie

Outpatient treatment options

Type of outpatient clinic: Pre- and post-inpatient services according to Article 115a of the SGB V (AM11)
Service offered:
MVZ Psychiatrie und Neurologie, Röntgenstraße 2, 08529 Plauen
Type of outpatient clinic: Medical care centre according to Article 95 of the SGB V (AM10)
Comment: Neurologie: Neurologische Untersuchung, Neuropsychologische Untersuchung, Elektroneurographie, Elektromyographie, Evozierte Potenziale, Doppler Duplex Psychiatrie: Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Verhaltenstherapie, Autogenes Training, Psychosomatische Grundversorgung
Service offered:
Type of outpatient clinic: Emergency outpatient clinic (24h) (AM08)
Service offered:
Type of outpatient clinic: Outpatient clinic according to Article 124, para. 3 of the SGB V (dispensing physical therapy, podological therapy, voice, speech and language therapy, and occupational therapy) (AM16)
Comment: Krankengymnastik, manuelle Therapie, Osteopathie, Atemtherapie, Entspannungstherapie...
Service offered:
Ambulanz für Multiple Sklerose nach § 116b SGB V
Type of outpatient clinic: Guideline on outpatient specialist medical care according to Article 116b of the SGB V (AM17)