Klinik für Innere Medizin II (Pneumologie, Somnologie und Weaning)

Medical services offered (according to selection list)

Designation Key
Diagnostik und Therapie von Allergien VI00
Entwöhnung Langzeitbeatmeter VX00
Diagnostische und therapeutische Bronchoskopie VX00
Diagnosis and treatment of upper respiratory tract infections VH08
Other diseases of the upper respiratory tract VH09
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the larynx VH16
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the trachea VH17
Diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary heart disease and pulmonary circulation diseases VI02
Diagnosis and treatment of other forms of heart disease VI03
Diagnosis and treatment of hypertension (high pressure sickness) VI07
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and lungs VI15
Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the pleura VI16
Diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases VI18
Diagnosis and treatment of infectious and parasitic diseases VI19
Intensive care medicine VI20
Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders / sleep medicine VI32
Sleep medicine VN22
Conventional radiographs VR01
Native sonography Thorax, Herz und Abdomen VR02
Duplex sonography Beinvenen VR04
Sonography with contrast agents VR05
Endosonography Endobronchial (EBUS/ Minisonde) VR06
Computed tomography (CT), native In Kooperation mit niedergelassenem Radiologen VR10
Computer tomography (CT) with contrast agents In Kooperation mit niedergelassenem Radiologen VR11
Computer tomography (CT), special procedures In Kooperation mit niedergelassenem Radiologen VR12
Scintigraphy Skelettszinigrafie, Lungenperfusionsszintigrafie VR18
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), native In Kooperation mit niedergelassenem Radiologen VR22
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRT) with contrast agents In Kooperation mit niedergelassenem Radiologen VR23
Magnetic resonance tomography (MRT), special procedures In Kooperation mit niedergelassenem Radiologen VR24