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Hit 75

Name and place Distance (linear distance)
St. Agnes-Hospital Bocholt
46397 Bocholt
2.1 km Contact Approach
St. Vinzenz-Hospital Rhede
46414 Rhede
5.4 km Contact Approach
Augustahospital Anholt
46419 Isselburg
12.6 km Contact Approach
LWL Klinik Marl-Sinsen Tagesklinik Borken
46325 Borken
16.4 km Contact Approach
St. Marien-Hospital Borken
46325 Borken
16.9 km Contact Approach
Evangelisches Krankenhaus Wesel
46485 Wesel
20 km Contact Approach
Marien-Hospital gGmbH
46483 Wesel
20.3 km Contact Approach
Sankt Josef-Hospital GmbH
46509 Xanten
24.4 km Contact Approach
St. Nikolaus-Hospital
47546 Kalkar
24.7 km Contact Approach
St. Willibrord-Spital Emmerich-Rees gGmbH
46446 Emmerich am Rhein
25.8 km Contact Approach
St. Marien-Hospital Vreden
48691 Vreden
26.9 km Contact Approach
St. Elisabeth-Krankenhaus Dorsten
46282 Dorsten
30.9 km Contact Approach
LWL-Klinik Herten - Tagesklinik Dorsten
46282 Dorsten
31.1 km Contact Approach
LVR-Klinik Bedburg-Hau
47551 Bedburg-Hau
31.4 km Contact Approach
St. Vinzenz Hospital
46535 Dinslaken
32 km Contact Approach
St. Vinzenz-Hospital
46535 Dinslaken
32 km Contact Approach
Evangelisches Krankenhaus Dinslaken
46535 Dinslaken
32.1 km Contact Approach
St. Josef Krankenhaus GmbH Moers - Betriebsstätte St. Nikolaus Hospital
47495 Rheinberg
33 km Contact Approach
St. Antonius-Krankenhaus
46244 Bottrop-Kirchhellen
33.4 km Contact Approach
Sternbuschklinik Kleve
47533 Kleve
33.5 km Contact Approach

Map legend

Hospitals up to 99 beds
Hospitals 100 to 249 beds
Hospitals 250 to 499 beds
Hospitals 500 to 999 beds
Hospitals from 1000 beds