Klinik für Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe: Schwerpunkt Geburtshilfe und Pränatalmedizin

Treatments according to OPS

Service Number of cases OPS key Info
Care of a new-born baby after birth 1.431 9-262.1
Measurement of brain waves triggered by targeted stimuli (evoked potentials) 1.302 1-208.8
Monitoring and care of normal childbirth 906 9-260
Regional pain control by injecting an anaesthetic into a space in the spinal canal (epidural space) 668 8-910
Reconstructive operations on the female reproductive organs after a perineal tear during delivery 496 5-758.2
Other caesarean section 408 5-749.11
Other caesarean section 312 5-749.10
Care of a new-born baby after birth 295 9-262.0
Reconstructive operations on the female reproductive organs after a perineal tear during delivery 261 5-758.3
Reconstructive operations on the female reproductive organs after a perineal tear during delivery 227 5-758.4
Other caesarean section 214 5-749.0
Reconstructive operations on the female reproductive organs after a perineal tear during delivery 214 5-758.x
Hospital treatment prior to delivery in the same stay 167 9-280.0
Comprehensive pain control for acute pain 148 8-919
Forceps delivery through the vagina 117 5-720.0
Changing the lie (version) of the unborn child (fetus) before childbirth 97 8-510.1
Measurement of brain waves triggered by targeted stimuli (evoked potentials) 95 1-208.1
Removal of the retained placenta after childbirth 63 5-756.1
Spontaneous and surgical vaginal delivery with a breech presentation 61 5-727.0
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention 49 9-401.30
Use of natural or artificial light for therapeutic purposes - light therapy 48 8-560.2
42 8-98g.10
Clinical examination under general anaesthetic 33 1-100
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation without measurement of the pressure in the pulmonary artery and in the right atrium of the heart 32 8-930
Hospital treatment prior to delivery in the same stay 32 9-280.1
Removal of the retained placenta after childbirth 28 5-756.0
Changing the lie (version) of the unborn child (fetus) before childbirth 26 8-510.0
Regional pain control by injecting an anaesthetic into a space in the spinal canal (subarachnoid space) 22 8-911
Spontaneous and surgical vaginal delivery with a breech presentation 20 5-727.1
Function-orientated physical exercises and uses 20 8-561.1
Forceps delivery through the vagina 19 5-720.1
Administration of medicines or salt solutions through the blood vessels in newborn babies 18 8-010.3
Hospital treatment prior to delivery in the same stay 18 9-280.2
Other operations on the cervix 16 5-679.0
Reconstructive operations on the cervix during pregnancy 15 5-674.0
14 8-98g.11
Monitoring and care of childbirth with increased risk for the mother or child 14 9-261
Reconstructive operations on the female reproductive organs after a perineal tear during delivery 13 5-758.5
Artificial rupture of membranes 12 5-730
Revision operations 11 5-983
Treatment of HIV infection with a fixed combination of medicines - HAART 10 8-548.0
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention 9 9-401.22
Failed vaginal delivery 8 5-733.0
Reconstructive operations on the female reproductive organs after a perineal tear during delivery 8 5-758.0
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention 8 9-401.31
7 6-008.b
6 8-98g.12
Turning the baby-s head with forceps 5 5-724
Extension of the vaginal opening with an incision into the perineum (episiotomy) during childbirth, with subsequent suturing 5 5-738.0
Treatment of vaginal bleeding by packing with absorbent material (tamponade), not in relation to childbirth 5 8-504
Intensive care monitoring of respiration, the heart and the circulation with measurement of the pressure in the superior vena cava (central venous pressure) 5 8-931.0
Exchange or removal of the absorbent pack used to stop bleeding (tamponade) 4 8-506
Compensation of fluid deficit in a newborn baby by injection of fluid into a vein 4 8-811.0
Supervision and management of isolated placenta birth 4 9-263
4 9-984.7
Taking a tissue sample (biopsy) of the pregnant uterus without surgical incision, guided by imaging procedures, such as ultrasound not specified 1-473.3
Taking a sample of amniotic fluid with a needle - amniocentesis not specified 1-852
not specified 1-931.1
Surgical removal or destruction of tissue in the abdominal cavity not specified 5-543.20
Surgical removal or destruction of tissue in the abdominal cavity not specified 5-543.21
Reconstructive operations on the cervix during pregnancy not specified 5-674.1
Assisted delivery of the baby by pulling on the rump or foot in a breech presentation not specified 5-725.0
Altering the lie of the fetus through the vagina and also from the outside, with or without delivery of the child not specified 5-732.5
Classic caesarean section not specified 5-740.0
Classic caesarean section not specified 5-740.1
Caesarean section with incision above the cervix or through the body of the uterus not specified 5-741.4
Treatment by removal of amniotic fluid with or without subsequent replacement not specified 5-753.2
Treatment by removal of amniotic fluid with or without subsequent replacement not specified 5-753.x
Surgical removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) in relation to childbirth not specified 5-757
Reconstructive operations on the female reproductive organs after a perineal tear during delivery not specified 5-758.6
Other surgical incision into the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-892.0b
Surgical removal of diseased tissue from the skin or subcutaneous tissues not specified 5-894.1b
Simple surgical closure of the skin or the subcutaneous tissues after injuries, e.g. with a suture not specified 5-900.0b
not specified 5-98c.0
Administration of medicines in accordance with List 3 of the procedures list not specified 6-003.9
Treatment by specific positioning of the patient in bed, e.g. positioning in a sling table or special bed not specified 8-390.0
Delivery with aid of specific manual manoeuvres not specified 8-515
Application of radioactive material to the skin in a special package (moulage) for treatment of surface tumours not specified 8-526.0
not specified 8-98g.13
Hospital treatment prior to delivery in the same stay not specified 9-280.3
Hospital treatment prior to delivery in the same stay not specified 9-280.4
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.00
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.23
Treatment procedure to maintain and encourage practical everyday and social skills - psychosocial intervention not specified 9-401.32
not specified 9-984.8
not specified 9-984.9